Reader Email - Did We Just Start A Barstool Gang Sign?


Reader Email

Viva la Stool pic of me and my buddy at Kid Rock in Hartford. Has this hand signal ever been sent in? Did we just start a gang?


Uhhh, yeah bros. Think ya did. And I love it way more than I should. A sign is the last piece of the puzzle that Stoolies needed to get recognized as an official gang by the FBI. Sure, a gang consisting solely of middle class white kids won’t be too formidable. We’ll probably battle with Beliebers for the basement spot in next months Gang Power Ranking. But on the bright side in order to get initiated you don’t have to rape an elderly woman, kill a college kid and get ghetto stomped to the point where you paint your new BFF’s Timberlands red with your blood. All you have to do is go to a website.


So it’s a pretty fair trade.

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